Basic English Grammar

What Is Pronoun With Examples And Types

What Is Pronoun With Examples

Here in this article, you are going to learn What Is Pronoun With Examples And Types. This article will help you to learn about all concepts of pronouns. As you know that English grammar is very important for a beginner. A pronoun is a 2nd type of part of speech that is very important for English speaking. Pronouns are very popular in  English Grammar. In English grammar, pronouns are special words that we use to replace nouns in a sentence. In the English language, it seems awkward to use the same noun over and over in a conversation, so instead of saying the same noun over and over in English grammar, we can use pronouns to make our sentences shorter and simple. Pronouns help us avoid repetition and make our conversation and writing smoother.

In English grammar, pronouns come in various forms such as

He  Him
She  Her
It It’s
You You
They Them
We  Us

Pronoun With Examples And Types

Here in this section, you will learn the definition and types of pronouns:


“Pronoun is a second part of speech, In English grammar, we can define pronoun like this, a pronoun is a word that is used in the place  of a common noun or proper nouns”

Types Of Pronouns:

  • Personal Pronouns            
  • Reflexive Pronouns
  • Possessive Pronouns
  •  Relative Pronoun
  •  Interrogative Pronouns
  •  Demonstrative Pronouns
  •  Indefinite Pronouns
  •  Reciprocal Pronouns
Person Singular Pronouns Plural Pronouns
First Person Pronoun I, Me We, Us
2nd Person Pronoun You, Your You
3rd Person Pronoun Him, He, She, Her,It They, Them, Their

Personal Pronouns With Definition And Examples

Here in this section, you will learn about the definition and Examples of personal pronouns.  In this section, you will learn about Personal pronouns in a very good and easy way. Here you will first learn the definition of the personal pronoun and then explain it with various examples.


“The words I, you, she,  it, we, and they are called personal pronouns. That are used in  the place of words for people, animals, places, or things”


  • My name is Ali. I am 20.
  • Here is my motherShe works in a bank.
  • Here is my father. He is a teacher.
  • Here is our cat.  It likes fish.
  • Tommy, you are a great cat.
  • Ali is not in school today. He is ill.
  • Here are Abdullah and Saleem.

What Is A Pronoun With Examples Personal Pronouns

Person Singular Pronouns Plural Pronouns
First Person Pronoun I, Me We, Us
2nd Person Pronoun You, Your You
3rd Person Pronoun Him, He, She, Her, It They, Them, Their

Reflexive Pronouns With Definition And Examples


“Reflexive pronoun is a second type of pronoun, In English grammar, we can define reflexive pronouns like this, the words myself, yourself, yourself, yourself, yourself, yourselves, and themselves are called reflexive pronouns. Reflexive pronouns refer back to the subject of sentences”


  • I made this cake myself.
  • Be careful with the knife. You will cut yourself.
  • Ammar is looking at himself in the mirror.
  • Abdullah has hurt herself.
  • Our cat washes itself after each meal.
  • We organized the party all by ourselves.
Possessive Pronouns With Definition And Examples


“Possessive pronouns are the third part of pronouns. In English grammar, we can define possessive pronouns like this, the words mine, yours, his, ours, and theirs are called possessive pronouns. Possessive pronouns show ownership Like mine, yours, his, ours, theirs.


  • This bat is mine.
  • Tom, where’s yours?
  • This skateboard is his.
  • Ali has lost her kitchen. Is this kitchen hers?
  • This is our neighbor’s car. But where’s ours?
  • I have got my sandwiches,  and here are yours.
  • Ali has eaten her lunch, but Aslam and Ammar haven’t had theirs yet.

Pronoun With Examples And Types Reflexive Pronouns And Possessive Pronouns

Relative Pronouns With Definition And Examples


” Relative Pronouns connect dependent clauses to main clauses and include words like who, whom, whose which, that, etc. Relative pronouns are the fourth part of pronouns, In English grammar, we can define relative pronouns like this, the words who, whom, which, and that are called relative pronouns”


  • Here is the shop which sells computer equipment.
  • Suitcases that you can wheel along are the best.
Interrogative Pronouns With Definition And Examples


“Interrogative pronouns are the fifth part of pronouns, In English grammar, we can define interrogative pronouns like this, the words who, whom, which, and that are called relative pronouns”


  • Who broke the window?
  • Who is he talking to?
  • Who are those people?
  • Whom are you talking to at the dance?
  • Whom is he talking to?
  • Whose is this umbrella?
  • Whose are these gloves?
  • Whose is the best drawing?
  • Who broke the window?
  • Who is he talking to?
  • Who are those people?
  • Whom are you talking to at the dance?
  • Whom is he talking to?
  • Whose is this umbrella?
  • Whose are these gloves?
  • Whose is the best drawing?

What Is Pronoun With Examples Relative Pronouns Interrogative Pronouns

Demonstrative Pronouns With Definition And Examples


“Demonstrative pronouns are the six part of pronouns, In English grammar, we can define demonstrative  pronouns like this,the words this, these, that, and those are called demonstrative pronouns”


  • This is my house. That is Ali’s house.
  • This is a hill. That is a mountain.
  • These are sheep. Those are goats.
  • These are donkeys. Those are horses.
  • What is this? What are those?
  • Wait till you hear this?
  • I haven’t heard that before.
  • Did you drop this?
Indefinite Pronouns With Definition And Examples


“indefinite pronouns are the seven-part of pronouns, In English grammar, we can define indefinite pronouns like this,the words anyone, someone, everyone, and no-one are called indefinite pronouns”


  • Is anyone at home?
  • Has anyone seen my cat?
  • Doesn’t anyone want to play?
  • I can’t see anybody on the beach.
  • Someone is at the door.
  • Someone has dropped their passport.
  • There is somebody in the distance.
  • Where is everyone?

Demonstrative Pronouns Indefinite Pronouns Types Of Pronouns

Pronoun And Types PDF Download

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Test Your Understanding Of Pronouns

This is my house. That is Ali’s house.

This is a hill. That is a mountain.

These are sheep. Those are goats.

Is anyone at home?

Has anyone seen my cat?

Doesn’t anyone want to play?

Here is my mother.  She works in a bank.

Here is my father. He is a teacher.

Here is our cat.  It likes fish.

Come And Check The Correct Answers

This is my house. That is Ali’s house. (Demonstrative Pronouns)

This is a hill. That is a mountain. (Demonstrative Pronouns)

These are sheep. Those are goats. (Demonstrative Pronouns)

Is anyone at home? (Indefinite Pronouns)

Has anyone seen my cat? (Indefinite Pronouns)

Doesn’t anyone want to play? (Indefinite Pronouns)

Here is my mother.  She works in a bank. (Personal Pronouns)

Here is my father. He is a teacher. (Personal Pronouns)

Here is our cat.  It likes fish. (Personal Pronouns)

FAQS About Pronouns

Q1 What Are Pronouns?

Ans: “A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a common noun or proper nouns”

Q2  What Are Common Pronouns In English?

Ans: Common Pronouns in English include he, she, it, they, we, you, me, him,her.

Q3  How Do Pronouns Help In Communication?

Ans: Pronouns make sentences shorter and more effective by replacing repeated nouns. They also add clarity and flow to the conversation and written text.

Q4  Can Pronouns refer to both People and Things?

Yes, pronouns refer to people and things.

Q5 What Are The Types Of Pronouns?

  • Personal Pronouns            
  • Reflexive Pronouns
  • Possessive Pronouns
  •  Relative Pronoun
  •  Interrogative Pronouns
  •  Demonstrative Pronouns
  •  Indefinite Pronouns
  •  Reciprocal Pronouns


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