Basic English Grammar

What IS Conjunction Types Of Conjunctions With Examples PDF

What Is Conjunction?

A conjunction is a part of speech in grammar that is used to connect words, phrases, or clauses within a sentence. Conjunctions are essential because they help to establish relationships between different elements in a sentence, such as words, phrases, or clauses, and they facilitate the flow and harmony of language. There are several types of conjunctions, each serving a specific purpose in the English language. In this topic, we will discuss Conjunction Types Of Conjunctions With Examples in PDF. Let’s Begin!

Examples OF Conjunctions

Here you will read some Examples of Conjunction. The conjunctions are in bold words for your easy recognition:

  • She writes fast but Neatly.
  • You can have a banana or a mango.
  • The rive is very deep and very wide.
  • Look both ways before crossing the road.
  • Stand still So that I can wear your clothes.

Rules Of Conjunctions

Here I will provide you with some important rules of conjunctions that help you to make sentences In English grammar. We Will also discuss Types Of Conjunctions With Examples in PDF.  Remember, conjunctions help you connect ideas and make your writing clear and understandable.

  • Conjunctions connect thoughts like actions, ideas, nouns, clauses, and other parts of speech. For Example, Ali went to the Bazar and bought Bananas.
  • Conjunctions help us to make lists. For Example, We made biryani, Vegetables, and Tea for Lunch.
  • In English Grammar, ensure all the parts of your sentences agree when using Conjunctions. For Example: ” I work busily Yet am careful” disagrees. ” I work busily Yet carefully” shows agreement.

Types Of Conjunctions

Here we are going to discuss Types Of Conjunctions With Examples in PDF. Conjunctions are words that connect and join different parts of a sentence. There are several types of conjunctions, each serving a specific purpose in the English language. Here are the main Types Of Conjunctions With Examples PDF :

Coordinating Conjunctions

These conjunctions connect words, phrases, or clauses of equal importance within a sentence. There are seven coordinating conjunctions, often remembered with the acronym “FANBOYS”. Common Coordinating Conjunctions Include:


  • I love to Exercise, for it keeps me fit.
  • I play cricket for Entertainment.


  • She Enjoys movies and plays games.
  • He loves to travel and enjoys studying.


  •  He neither likes Fruits nor vegetables.
  •  She neither likes biryani nor fast food.


  • The cat is small, but it’s very playful.
  • He’s tired, but he still wants to play.


  • Would you like to eat chicken or biryani with your lunch?
  • I like to eat fast food or drink coffee from outside.


  • She is small, yet she is a powerful athlete.
  • He didn’t Hard work, yet he is a good player in cricket.


  • I’m tired, so I’m going to bed early.
  • It was getting late, so they decided to order pizza for dinner.
Subordinating Conjunctions

These conjunctions introduce dependent clauses (subordinate clauses) and join them to independent clauses (main clauses) to create complex sentences. . Common Subordinating Conjunctions Include:


  • She’s smiling because she’s happy.
  • I stayed home because it was raining.


  • Although he’s young, he’s very talented.
  • Although it was cold, they went for a walk.


  • I’ll call you later if I have any updates.
  • If you need help, don’t hesitate to ask.


  • I feel happy when I spend time with my friends.
  • She called me when she arrived.


  • She sang a song while playing the guitar.
  • She read a book while waiting for her friend.


  • Since it was a public holiday, the office was closed.
  • I haven’t seen him since last year.


  • I won’t eat the cake unless it’s chocolate.
  • You won’t pass the exam unless you study diligently


  • She completed her degree before starting her career.
  • She always checks her emails before starting work in the morning.


  • He went to the store after she finished work.
  • We went for a walk in the park after the rain had stopped.


  • Although it’s expensive, I want to buy that dress.
  • She’s a vegetarian, although she occasionally eats seafood.
Correlative Conjunctions

Correlative conjunctions are pairs of conjunctions that work together to connect words, phrases, or clauses of equal importance within a sentence. These pairs of conjunctions are used to create balanced and parallel structures. Common Correlative Conjunctions Include:


  • Either you complete the project on time, or we’ll have to find someone else to do it.
  • You can have either chocolate ice cream or vanilla for dessert.


  • He can neither sing nor dance, but he’s good at painting.
  • Neither the red dress nor the blue one fits me properly.


  • The movie is both entertaining and thought-provoking.
  • She is both intelligent and hardworking.

Not only…but also:

  • She can speak not only French but also Spanish fluently.
  • He is not only a talented musician but also a gifted writer.


  • Whether you like it or not, you’ll have to attend the meeting.
  • We’ll go to the beach whether it’s sunny or rainy.


  • His performance was as impressive as I expected it to be.
  • He is as tall as his older brother.


  • She spoke so softly as to not wake up the baby.
  • She is not as tall as her classmates, but she is very athletic.

What IS Conjunction Types Of Conjunctions With Examples PDF

Conjunctive Adverbs

While not strictly conjunctions, conjunctive adverbs serve a similar function by connecting clauses or sentences and showing the relationship between them. Common Conjunctive Adverbs Include:


  • She wanted to go to the concert; however, she couldn’t get tickets.
  • He worked late into the night; however, he didn’t finish the project.


  • He studied diligently; therefore, he aced the exam.
  • He missed the train, therefore he arrived late for the meeting.


  • He was stuck in traffic, and meanwhile, his phone battery died.
  • He was cooking dinner; meanwhile, she was setting the table.


  • She is fluent in five languages; moreover, she has lived and worked in three different countries.
  • The team won the game, and moreover, they set a new record.


  • The cake is delicious. Furthermore, it’s beautifully decorated.
  • The book is informative, and furthermore, it’s well-written.
Exercise OF Conjunctions

Here I will provide you exercise of conjunctions. This exercise covers various types of conjunctions:

  • She wanted to go to the beach, _______ it started raining.
  • He enjoys both playing soccer _______ basketball.
  • They decided to cancel the picnic _______ the weather forecast predicted thunderstorms.
  • I’ll either have pizza for dinner _______ make a sandwich.
  • He couldn’t join the team because he had a prior commitment, _______ he was disappointed.
  • She is not only talented in singing _______ dancing but also in acting.
  • They walked to the park _______ enjoyed a picnic on a sunny day.
  • We can go to the movies _______ stay home and watch a film on Netflix.
  • She worked hard, _______ she completed the project on time.
  • He couldn’t decide whether to visit the museum today _______ wait until the weekend.


  • but
  • and
  • because
  • or
  • but
  • but also
  • and
  • or
  • and
  • or

Understanding these various types of conjunctions is essential for constructing well-structured sentences in English. Each type of conjunction serves a unique purpose in connecting and organizing the elements within a sentence or between sentences.

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