Basic English Grammar

What Is A Noun?|Types, Definition And Examples

What Is A Noun?

What Is A Noun? Types Of Noun

Here in this article, you are going to learn What Is A Noun?|Types, Definitions, And Examples. This blog will help you to learn about nouns. As you know well noun is a simple and important part of English grammar. The noun is the first part of speech. Without learning about nouns you can’t improve your English grammar. So that’s why here in this blog we have come up with nouns and their types. So if you want to learn about nouns stay with us and scroll down.

Here we will first explain the definition of the noun in detail.


In basic English grammar, when we talk, nouns are divided into common nouns and proper nouns. In this article, you will learn about the different kinds of common nouns and proper nouns.

Types Of Nouns:

  • Count Nouns
  • Uncount Nouns
  • Singular Nouns
  • Plural Nouns
  • Common nouns

Why English Grammar Is So Important?

It is essential to learn English grammar because it helps the learners to understand the language better.
Grammar is a set of rules and regulations that instruct us in the right usage the words and help us avoid making mistakes.
Grammar is crucial for essay writing in competitive exams and for a better article in the Newspaper.
It will assist the readers to get the correct meaning of the paragraphs.
Without grammar, one can’t speak and write the English language well. Let’s suppose an event took place in the past and you don’t know about English grammar. How will you describe that event?
If you know English grammar well and have a sound grip over it then it’s like a piece of cake for one to describe everything. If you define the past events using the present tense for defining past events so it’ll sound awkward and could be very difficult for readers to understand the right message.

Common Nouns With Different Examples

In this section, you are going to learn about common nouns with different Examples. If your concept about common nouns is not good, you can easily learn common nouns in this section with lots of examples.


The definition of common nouns in basic English is that common nouns are words for people, things, animals, or ideas

Here are some words for people.

Common Noun Examples List-1

trainer manager barber magician  shepherd
secretary optician plumber juggler driver
coach Police officer footballer singer farmer
carpenter boxer sailor artist florist
wrestler dressmaker veterinarian burglar nurse
salesman acrobat cashier engineer lawyer

Common Nouns Types Examples

The words for your relations are nouns

Common Noun Examples List-2

  • grandfather    grandmother
  • father               mother
  • sons                  daughters
  • brothers            sisters
  • uncle                 aunt
  • nephews           nephews

You will find lots of fruits and vegetables in the supermarket. These common nouns are words for fruits

Common Noun Examples List-3

  • apple        banana         lychee         avocado        watermelon
  • peach       Orange         longan        mango             guava
  • Pear          strawberry    apricot        blueberry      custard
  • durian       honeydew    grapefruit    coconut         apple
  • cantaloup  nectarine      date              fig                  lemon

These common nouns are words for vegetables

Common Noun Examples List-4

  • potato            French bean      lettuce
  • yam                green paper      onion
  • tomato           pumpkin            carrot
  • broccoli         cucumber           sweet corn
  • celery             pea                    asparagus  
  • eggplant        leek                   cabbage

Words for animals are common nouns. Here are some animals with their young.

Common Noun Examples List-5

  • dog            puppy
  • cat              kitten
  • bear           cub
  • fox             cub
  • leopard      cub
  • lion             cub
  • tiger           cub
  • wolf            cub
  • cow             calf
  • elephant    calf
  • whale         calf
  • horse          foal
  • sheep          lamb
  • deer            fawn
  • kangaroo    joey

Have you seen these animals in the zoo?

Common Noun Examples List-6

  • panda             monkey           gorilla
  • mongoose     chimpanzee       crocodile
  • moose             reindeer             hippo
  • antelope          snake
  • koala                rhino
  • anteater           zebra
  • camel               giraffe

Words for birds are common nouns too. Here are some birds with their young.

Common Noun Examples List-7

  Bird            It’s Young

  • bird                  nesting
  • goose               gosling
  • duck                 duckling
  • hen                   chick
  • owl                   owlet
  • eagle                eaglet
  • swan                 cygnet
  • peacock            peachick

These common nouns are words for insects.

Common Noun Examples List-8

  •  fly                    cicada              grasshopper
  • ant                    beetle              praying mantis
  • bee                   cricket              daddy-long-legs
  • wasp                  locust               ladybird
  • hornet
  • greenfly
  • moth
  • butterfly           
  • termite              dragonfly        
  • mosquito           cockroach


Common Nouns Types Examples

Count Nouns With Examples

In this section, you are going to learn about counting nouns with different Examples. If your concept about counting nouns is not good, you can easily learn to count nouns in this section with lots of examples.


Most nouns are countable nouns or count nouns for short. In English grammar, we call them countable nouns because they refer to people or things that you can count.

When you are talking about only one person, animal, place, or thing, you can put a or a before the noun.

Coun Nouns Examples List-1

a doctor a castle a day a tower a swimmer
a ship a child a canoe a squirrel a game
a panda a problem a spider an emperor a python
an owl a mountain an umbrella a park an ice cream
an egg a statue a rainbow an atlas a ship 
Uncount Nouns With Different Examples

In this section, you are going to learn about uncount nouns with different Examples. If your concept about uncount nouns is not good, you can easily learn uncount nouns in this section with lots of examples.


Some nouns are called uncountable nouns, or uncount nouns for short. We call them uncountable because they are words for things you can’t count.

UnCount Nouns Examples List-1

electricity food paper furniture cheese
fog toothpaste butter dust chalk
salt gas grass iron information
wind ice water ink scenery
hair cloth coffee cotton heat
sand metal jam air music
Silver wood wine hay steel
glass powder bread plastic rain
Count And Uncount Nouns
Singular Nouns With Examples And Definitions

In this section, you are going to learn about singular nouns with different Examples. If your concept about singular nouns is not good, you can easily learn singular nouns in this section with lots of examples.


Count nouns can be singular or plural. When you are talking about just one person, animal, place or thing, you use a singular count noun We say that these nouns are singular, or that they are in the singular.

Singular Nouns Examples List-1

  • a nightingale      a stadium
  • a bungalow        a windmill
  • a bench                a taxi 
  • a tent                   a worker
  • a cook                  a train
  • an engineer         a sparrow
  • an owl                  a van
  • a pram

Here are some more nouns that are in the singular :

Singular Nouns Examples List-2

a line an oval a tie
a triangle a star a cube
a rectangle a diamond a cone
a square a brush a comb
parallelogram a circle a globe
a computer a letter a stamp
a keyboard an envelope a skateboard


 Plural Nouns And Examples

In this section, you are going to learn about plural nouns with different Examples. If your concept about plural nouns is not good, you can easily learn plural nouns in this section with lots of examples.


When you are talking about two or more people, animals, places or things, you have to make the count noun plural. We say these nouns are plural, or that they are in the plural.

Plural nouns usually end in -s

Plural Nouns Examples List-1

Singular  Plural  Singular Plural
a lamp      lamps    a mask  masks
an island    islands    a jar      jars
an owl       owls    a mar  mats
a clock   clocks     a hawk     hawks
an egg       eggs           a photo      photos
a camel    camels    a penguin    penguins

Here are some more plural nouns that end in -s

Plural Nouns Examples List-2

Singular  Plural  Singular Plural
a game games    a rope    ropes
a plate      plates         a ladle  ladles 
a bone    bones    a face  faces
a slice      slices             a piece          pieces 
a size    sizes     a case          cases

With some nouns,  you add -es to make them plural.

Plural Nouns Examples List-3


Singular  Plural  Singular Plural
an arch          arches            a bench   benches
a branch        branches            a ditch                   ditches           
a church   churches a wish     wishes
a peach      peaches       a sandwich  sandwiches
a torch   torches  a watch  watches
a fax  faxes     a fox      foxes
an address       address         an atlas      atlases

With some nouns that end in -o,  you just add -s to form the plural.

Plural Nouns Examples List-4

Singular  Plural  Singular Plural
an avocado           avocados              a cello    cellos
 a cuckoo       cuckoos     a rhino rhinos
a hippo       hippos         a video    vidoes
 a kangaroo         kangaroos         a zoo    zoos
a kilo     kilos       a kimono     kimonos   


Singular And Plural Nouns

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